Gwyneth Paltrow Too Cowardly to Tell Brits What She Really Thinks

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Paltrow bemoans life in Britain

Gwyneth Paltrow has been shooting her mouth off again: this time about Britain. But if you're British don't expect to be able to read about it because, you see, it will only appear in Marie Claire's US edition.

It's not hard to understand why the UK edition was a no-no after Paltrow said that the streets were dirty, the weather is cold, and its customer service is rubbish. Gee...I wonder why Paltrow wouldn't want those comments to appear in the UK edition...

Like the Dixie Chicks taking their criticism of the President to London because they would have been booed off the stage if they had done it before a crowd of American country music fans, Gwyneth is talking trash only where she doesn't think her neighbors will find out. Like the Dixie Chicks, she's about to find out that the British have the internet too...

I have no time for this kind of cowardice. If you don't like the President (in the case of the Chicks) or have an issue with your chosen home, then show the courage of your convictions and say it where it counts. When the domestic crowd found out what the Chicks had to say, they were forced to back off their statement. I can only imagine how fast Gwyneth will be backpedalling, making the usual denials about how her comments were "out of context" or outright misquotes. Blah blah blah....

I gave Gwyneth some unsolicited advice when her name last appeared on this blog for being a hypocrite and talking about someone else's private relationship while claiming that her own is off-limits. I'll give her some more: just shut up already...


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