Lisa Kudrow's Show Not Going to 'Comeback'

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

HBO Cuts Short Kudrow's "Comeback"

HBO has given Lisa Kudrow's show, Comeback, the ax because of chronically low ratings.

My feelings about Kudrow are that she's an awesome supporting actress, but she's not a leading lady. As part an ensemble cast, as she was on Friends, she's great. But I just don't think she's the kind of actress who can carry a project completely on her own shoulders.

Kudos to her for bringing a character she originally created as an improv actor to HBO and selling the idea. It's a testament to her intellect and creativity that she was able to do that. Unfortunately, this one didn't beat the odds.

I'm sure she'll surface in another role or bring her creativity to bear on another project. We certainly haven't heard the last from her...


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