Pink Panther Tops Weekend Box Office

Monday, February 13, 2006

Beyonce Knowles
'Pink Panther' strikes again at box office

To the surprise of some, the new Pink Panther film starring Beyonce Knowles and Steve Martin came out on top in the weekend's box office numbers.

Remakes are always iffy viewing, and even a top showing at the box office this past weekend is no guarantee of the success of the film. The marquee value of both Beyonce Knowles and Steve Martin guaranteed that there would be at least some initial interest in the film, so the true measure of the movie is going to come in Weeks 2, 3 and 4 when word-of-mouth is going to be important to its success than the initial hype.

I think it should wind up being a moderate money maker as there's very little "light adult fare" for it to compete with at the box office making it an ideal date movie - neither too scary nor too loaded with testosterone, but the initial reviews haven't been overwhelming so I doubt it has any real significant box office staying power.


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